[VHFcontesting] vucc rules

Walter O'Brien, W2WJO w2wjo at walterobrien.com
Mon Feb 12 13:04:35 EST 2007

The rule states that: 6. For VUCC awards on 50 through 1296 MHz and  
Satellite, all contacts must be made from locations no more than  
200km apart. For SHF awards, contacts must be made from a single  
location, defined as within a 300-meter diameter circle.

So, it is 200km for 50 through 1296, but it's not just a circle  
around one QTH.

If you choose QTH #1, QTH #2 must be within a 200km RADIUS circle  
around QTH #1.

BUT each subsequent QTH must also be less than 200km from any other QTH!

So, QTH #2 can be anywhere within that circle, but QTH #3 has to be  
within the circle and not more than 200km apart from QTH #2! In other  
words, QTH #2 and QTH #3 cannot be on opposite perimeters of that  
first circle, or they would be 400km apart!

It gets more complicated to define the shapes as you add QTH's, but  
as long as none are more than 200km away from any other, you're good.  
Seems like odd language, but I guess it means you don't actually have  
to choose a "HOME" QTH.

73 Walter W2WJO

On Feb 12, 2007, at 12:04 PM, Gregg Seidl wrote:

> I think it is 50 miles for bands below 1296 and SAT.Above it is  
> defined as a
> 300 meter circle.  Gregg  K9KL    V-1922,H-1922
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