[VHFcontesting] vucc
Eugene Zimmerman
ezimmerm at erols.com
Mon Feb 12 15:35:35 EST 2007
You are absolutely correct. I had forgotten that little glitch.
So I take back everything I said about "logical". Logical would have been a
definition like that for club territory [though that one has some problems
outside the scope of this thread]. The current VUCC rule is thus not
logical. I am happy however that I remain the most uninfluential editor of
the World Above.
73 Gene W3ZZ
----- Original Message -----
From: "Walter O'Brien, W2WJO" <w2wjo at walterobrien.com>
To: "Eugene Zimmerman" <ezimmerm at erols.com>; <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 3:08 PM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] vucc
It's not really a circle with a 200 km radius. I'm pretty sure that's
was meant, but without trying to ignite a flame war over what is
really good news, it's not technically what was said.
The rule says: For VUCC awards on 50 through 1296 MHz and Satellite,
all contacts must be made from locations no more than 200km
So if you draw that 200km circle around your main QTH, you can pick a
second on the edge of that circle and you'd be fine. No QTH in or on
the perimeter of that circle would be more than 200km apart from the
first QTH.
But if you pick a third QTH on the opposite edge of the circle, you
would be 200km from the main QTH, but you'd be 400km away (apart)
from the second QTH, and not acceptable! "all contacts must be made
from locations no more than 200km apart."
I'm sure that they meant what you said, but that's not what they wrote!
73 Walter W2WJO
On Feb 12, 2007, at 2:37 PM, Eugene Zimmerman wrote:
> Hi Frank
> It's now a circle with a RADIUS of 200 km. Not any other shape but a
> The VUCC distance rule used to be anywhere within your own grid square OR
> within a 50 km radius circle if outside your grid square. It was clearly
> unfair and illogical that the distance depended on being in your own grid
> square. The new present rule is a 200 km radius circle to conform with
> the
> longest average distance between the corners of a grid square ~129 miles
> or
> ~200 km. 200 km is chosen to be a round number.
> I had been agitating - without success - essentially since VUCC started
> 25
> years ago to do away with the original distance rule. Now finally that
> has
> happened. We should be thankful for small favors.
> 73 Gene W3ZZ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "frank bechdoldt" <k3uhf at hotmail.com>
> To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 1:36 AM
> Subject: [VHFcontesting] vucc
>> I drew out what ones field to work others in under the 200km rule. You
>> would basicly form a triangle with round edges where all the points you
>> opperated would all be within the 200 km per side triangle. the triangle
>> with the round sides looks more like a guitar pick. however your
>> triangle
>> could easily turn into a trapa zoid if one of the points isnt really
>> 200km
>> from the other 2.
>> Basicly you need to plot your hilltops on a map and find the pattern
>> best
>> for you.
>> k3uhf
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