[VHFcontesting] N3NGE in Jaunary Contest

K3EGE at aol.com K3EGE at aol.com
Tue Jan 9 13:31:57 EST 2007

Multi-op station N3NGE will operating in the upcoming January VHF contest  
from near Morgantown, PA, in grid FN20bd on bands 50 Mhz thru 10 G with high  
power and big antennas at least 100 feet up.
We would love to work as many of you as possible. We are also planning  on 
operating WSJT on 6 and 2 meters between midnight and 8 AM EST on Sunday  
morning.  Schedules are welcome. Please let us know your plans for the  contest so 
we can be looking for you.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Good luck in the contest.
Bill - K3EGE for the N3NGE contest team..

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