[VHFcontesting] VHF SS

James Ahlgren w4rx at cox.net
Mon Jan 15 13:42:43 EST 2007

Christophe ON4IY and I will try to activate W4RX this weekend.  We will have
two 16-Yagi LVAs on 144 MHz, one pointed 330 degrees toward Northern Ill,
Mich, and Wis and the other up the coast (coverage of VE2, Eastern NY, and
New England) and are interested to see how these perform on a flat band
(which is what I'm afraid we will have this weekend).  Anyone interested in
a cw sked, please propose a freq and time and we will respond.  Sorry, won't
be using WSJT.  We are at 1800 ft amsl with clean horizon in both
directions.  Good luck to all!







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