[VHFcontesting] 903 Motorola Amp

Dana Rawding dana at rawding.com
Tue Jan 16 16:50:22 EST 2007

Best place to look for mod info is here: http://www.vhfsouth.org/ 

Bias is set by the yellow wire.  If you have the 300W version you can  
pick it up from second pin from the right on the header where it goes  
into the rf compartment.  I used a Omron G5V-5 relay set up the same  
way as the above web page.


On Jan 16, 2007, at 4:14 PM, Philip Theis wrote:

> Can anyone point me to someone on the web who has modified the Moto  
> amps for
> 903?  I know there's not much to do but a sample would be great.  In
> particular I need to know what if any bias is needed.
> Please also reply direct in addition to the reflector.
> Thanks
> Phil K3TUF FN10we
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