[VHFcontesting] June VHF Contest robot question

Tim (KE3HT) ke3ht at ke3ht.org
Wed Jul 11 12:56:15 EDT 2007

The ARRL contest robot did something strange last night. I was doing my log
submission a little close by a day to the deadline of June 11th (see the
ARRL Web site: http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2007/june-vhf.html)
The robot said:
*** Informative Messages from the Contest Robot ***

[X] Log received 0 days, 3 hours and 14 minutes after deadline.

How can this be when the deadline is June 11th (tonight)? Traditionally the
ARRL gives one month from the end of the contest to report logs. It may be
only one day but I had my best June contest ever and now I feel like it was
a wasted effort. The ARRL web site should have said logs must be filed by
July 10th rather than July 11th. (Good thing the IRS always uses April

I have already sent an email to the contests at arrl.org about this problem but
I am not sure if that is a bit bucket.

Does anyone know of a good place to lodge a complaint or perhaps I should
just forget it?

,,,Tim  KE3HT/zero-score/R

-------------Full robot report------------------------

             Callsign: KE3HT/R
    Category-Operator: SINGLE-OP
     Category-Station: ROVER
 Category-Transmitter: ONE
       Category-Power: LOW
             Location: Western Pennsylvania - WPA
                 Name: Timothy P Ertl
       Postal Address: 128 Hale st
                       Dalton, MA 01226
         Log Deadline: 2007-07-11 00:00:00 UTC
          Received at: 2007-07-11 03:14:26 UTC  ***AFTER DEADLINE***
        Reported QSOs: 212
       Confirmation #: 4010521.arrl-vhf-jun

Thank you for your participation in the contest and for submitting
your log to JuneVHF at arrl.org.  While the Contest Robot was able to
process your log, it has discovered some potential problems.  Please
correct the problems identified below and resubmit your log.  We want
to make sure that we have your information right!

If you believe you have received this message in error or if you are
having problems creating the required log file, please contact me at
contests at arrl.org and I will try to help.


ARRL Contest Branch

*** Informative Messages from the Contest Robot ***

[X] Log received 0 days, 3 hours and 14 minutes after deadline.

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