[VHFcontesting] Looking to participate in Contesting with a multi Op

jim danehy jdanehy at cinci.rr.com
Fri Jul 13 13:16:24 EDT 2007

I have renewed my interest in VHF contesting. I have been a contester for longer than I care to admit. See my bio on QRZ. COM . . . I am a CW op. Some years back (20 or so) I worked over 50 grids in the September ARRL contest as a 432 op in a multi from WV. All those Qs were CW. I have been known to sit  in front of a rig for 24 hours. Any multis looking for manpower now or in the future please reply off line.
W9VNE    EM 79 tb -------------------------------------->  jdanehy at cinci.rr.com

Jim Danehy
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
-84° 21' 29" W
39° 03' 33" N

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