[VHFcontesting] QRP Multi-op Portable in CQWW VHF Contest

Ken Alexander k.alexander at rogers.com
Wed Jul 18 17:38:48 EDT 2007


Please be sure to turn your antennas towards EN92 and
listen carefully for VE3HHT this weekend.

Keith, VE3HHT and I (VE3HLS) will be operating QRP
portable from EN92 on the Lake Erie shore for the

6m:  5 watts into a stressed Moxon at 20 ft.
2m:  5 watts into a 4-element yagi at 20 ft.

Modes:  SSB of course, and CW.  We also plan to check
out the digital portions of 6m.  Please look for us on
RTTY and PSK-31 when the band's open.

73 and good luck!

Ken Alexander

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