[VHFcontesting] (no subject)

VE2PIJ FN35 ve2pij at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 30 09:20:20 EDT 2007

why ARRL don't list band operated in the VHF resultsit's fun to see the band listin jan 06http://www2.arrl.org/contests/results/prscores.html?con_id=102K1TEO 429,840  946  216  B  ABCD9EFGHI in jan 07http://www2.arrl.org/contests/results/prscores.html?con_id=129K1TEO 396,393  970  213  B -----------Pierre JolinVE2PIJ-- 
73 de Pierre VE2PIJ FN35qi
http://www.qsl.net/ve2pij    NOT UPDATED
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