[VHFcontesting] VE3/KC8QVO in EN39

steve d kc8qvo at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 19 15:45:39 EDT 2007

Hi all, I want to give everyone an update as to what is happening with  my trip. The possibility has come up that I might be staying there an  extra week. We are planning to leave on the 13th of july and staying  through that next week. If things play out, Ill be staying through the  27th or so. The name of the town is Nestor Falls, Ontario, Canada.
  I have been working on my tram system for my mast. This weekend being  field day will be the first opportunity for me to test the rig. I am  hoping it works as I have in my head. The guy lines will be attached to  the tram, that way when it is hoisted up with all the antennas the  lines wont get in the way. This will also help keep the antennas from  rotating much in the wind. They will turn a bit but will always go back  with the tension on the guy lines. Lets hope it works! 
  I am not sure yet if I will be able to get internet access or not up  there. I have a PDA now that I can get on the activity loggers with,  but I need a digital cell tower to access the net. Im not real sure I  will be able to hit a digital tower. So.. the best way to contact me  might be HF HI. I will have access to all bands. 
  I will have intermittant internet access to check e-mail and such at a  friends house, so Ill be able to get back on here and give periodic  updates. I just wont be able to sit in front of the rig and internet at  the same time. 
  I will be on 50MHz, 144MHz, and 432MHz. I have WSJT for meteor scatter.  I dont think Ill be able to work EME - I have tried to do that in the  past but its pretty darn hard to get everything right. 
  I dont want to set schedules just yet. This trip isnt just for ham  radio, Ill be visiting family and going fishing so my on-air time will  fall around other activities. That said, I should be on the air quite a  bit! Ill find a few HF frequencies to monitor so everyone can get a  chance to contact me and set a sked up or whatever. If the bands open  up Ill be consumed on VHF/UHF though. 
  If you know of other mediums to get the word out about my trip other  than this list, please feel free to put a word out for me. The more  people that know about it and want the grid the more fun it will be!
  Steve, KC8QVO
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