[VHFcontesting] "Portable"

Dan_K9ZF n9rla at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 2 18:55:17 EST 2007

Gee Zack,
As I see it, that doesn't put you in the middle of nowhere, but you can 
probably see it from there:-)

70 miles south of Indianapolis, 30 miles north of Louisville, ~75 miles west of Cincinatti:-)

K9ZF /R no budget Rover ***QRP-l #1269 
Check out the Rover Resource Page at: <http://www.qsl.net/n9rla> 
List Administrator for: InHam+grid-loc+ham-books 
Ask me how to join the Indiana Ham Mailing list! 

Zack Widup wrote:
> I live about 150 miles from Chicago, 180 miles from St. Louis, 100 miles 
> from Indianapolis and 100 miles from Peoria.  Those are the largest 
> population centers in my area.  

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