[VHFcontesting] St Patrict's Day VHF Breakfast

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 12 21:56:49 EST 2007

I'd like to anounce a vhfer breakfast on ST Patricts day at Icabod's 
resteraunt in Scappoose ,  Oregon.  Thats at 52049 columia river hwy, IE hwy 
30.  Its about 25 minutes north of Portland or south of the longview/ kelso 
bridge. Or just a short boat ride if you live in Battleground, Wa.

Meeting time is at 8 am
Open Bar at noon
Dancing Girls at Dusk
Be sure to wear Green.


The average US Credit Score is 675. The cost to see yours: $0 by Experian. 

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