[VHFcontesting] Help with a TE Systems 2M VHF Amp problem

Eric Smith kb7dqh at donobi.net
Tue May 29 23:02:35 EDT 2007

Similar problem in a 2252G... Reflow ALL the solder joints
on the RF switching board...
Chances are there is a bad one.  Wouldn't hurt to look for
short circuits on the preamp, as the DC power for the
preamp runs up the RF path, just in case the reflow doesn't
do the trick.


On Sun, 27 May 2007 10:44:25 -0500
 "Mike Krzystyniak  K9MK" <k9mk at flash.net> wrote:
> Thanks for reading this...
>    I have a friends TE System 1452G on the bench with a
> peculiar problem.
> In SSB mode, with the amp in the "out" position, engaging
> the preamp with
> the front panel switch causes the preamp relay to chatter
> for seconds to
> tens of seconds. However, if the amp is in the "in"
> position, the pre-amp
> relay engages smoothly and there is no chatter.  The RF
> detector around the
> pre amp appears to be a knock off of the type used in a
> QSA-5, but I am not
> seeing what might be inter dependency from the amp "In -
> Out" positions.  It
> is almost as if the curcuit is marginally or
> conditionally stable. Has
> anyone seen this one before?  Thought and comments would
> be appreciated.
> 73's  Mike K9MK/5
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