[VHFcontesting] inbred roving

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at hotmail.com
Tue Apr 1 00:09:10 EDT 2008

Ok I saw this issue coming last fall and vowed to keep my mouth shut in public circles  until someone else brought it up. Oddly enough it happened. 
The first thing to do is to make an honest woman out of your roving partner and Marry her allready.  
Once you made an honest woman out of her, then go out and rove together use the same equipment and two seperate logs under the family exception.  Also be sure to procriate to add more hams to the family. If you breed some wiz kids you could get them no code licences at the age of 4 and in 10 years you could fill up a mini van of opperators.
Once you formed your Osmond family of Ham radio you could hit the roads and create QSOS at a cheap mpg per QSO ratio at 8 QSOS per grid per band.  Thats a bargain at 4 dollars a gallon gasoline or 14 dollars a gallon in 2018.
I see no moral delema here if you dont work your own family to boost your own scores. That being said it might be legal.  I suggested to some in private that they fix this loop hole by not allowing someone to work the same station/vehicle that they previously worked from.  I think its a simple fix for thier next meeting.
As far as 8 family member in a Mini Van, if they dont work themselves its fair to everyone that can work them. And if you can put up with 8 peopole in a mini van for 1000 miles all reaching for the same mikes, logging and ect, then you have pulled off a operations feat in itself.  I suppose someone could whine because there is a bigger familyt in California than there is in Rhode Island.
As far as the family issue goes, what is the ARRL's take on Cival Unions, Comon law marriasges or Same Sex marriages in the terms of family contest opperations? ok that part is April fools.  But there is not a joke that there should be some thought and clarication of the issues in what I think was a good rule change/ comprimise.
How well do you know your celebrity gossip?

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