[VHFcontesting] [VHF] APRS by Internet for all Contestants in June VHF Contest!
John Geiger
n5ten at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 18 22:55:49 EDT 2008
73s John AA5JG
--- James Duffey <JamesDuffey at comcast.net> wrote:
> The rules for the June 2008 VHF contest allow the
> Rover APRS locations
> that appear on the internet to be used by all
> contestants, not just
> the assisted categories:
> 3.3.7. Rovers are permitted to use APRS. Rovers
> using APRS transmit
> only their call sign and position. Any station,
> regardless of their
> operating class, may access rover APRS data directly
> or via the
> Internet.
> from:
> <
> >
> This is in keeping with the original VUACC's rule
> change suggestions
> and is a change from the initial APRS rule change
> implemented in
> January. I did not see an earlier notice of this
> change, so it pays to
> read the rules for each contest, even if you have
> operated them before.
> Hats off to the ARRL for listening to our input.
> So this should make it easier to keep up with the
> rovers. It is easy
> to get behind schedule when one roves and this will
> help people to
> locate us when we are not where we wanted to be when
> we wanted to be
> there.
> On another note, I got the May QST yesterday and the
> announcement for
> the June contest is in a new format. It is more of
> an advertisement
> than a summary of the rules. I hope it gets more
> people to
> participate, but you do need internet access to find
> out what the
> rules are.
> Again kudos to those at the ARRL for straightening
> this out. - Duffey
> --
> James Duffey
> Cedar Crest NM
> ------
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