[VHFcontesting] new rover

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Sat Aug 23 12:36:55 EDT 2008

Frank - Good points. I would add a few points.

The Arrow antenna is probably a poor choice for a beginning rover. The  
two bands have orthogonal polarization and the beginner is best off  
with horizontal polarization. In addition, the 440 side of the Arrow  
has its best gain above the band. Two meter performance is OK. One can  
do better with simple homebrew antennas.

I have no experience with the Elk antennas, but I think that stacking  
short gain antennas is probably good strategy, particularly in well  
populated areas.

I am curious as to your experiences roving with a 6M Moxon. How does  
it hold up at 13 feet while in motion? How does the truck drive with  
that large antenna up that high? I am thinking of making one that is  
switchable in direction.

I second your comments on being able to take apart the rover quickly.  
I can dismantle mine in a half hour and I think that anything longer  
would be a real drag after spending an entire weekend.

How much power do you run with the TE amps and how do you supply power  
to them? - Duffey

James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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