[VHFcontesting] Making ARRL VHF Contest Logs Public
VHF Contest Logs Repository
logs at vhfscores.info
Thu Dec 4 11:47:59 EST 2008
Hello VHF Contesters,
As mentioned in an earlier email by Terry (W8ZN / ex-K8ISK) the Grid
Pirates will be posting all their past and future ARRL VHF contest
logs online. The entire group believes that fully opening the
reporting of all contest data is the best way encourage more activity,
analytical interest and insight into this exciting sport. We also
hope it will to put to rest some of the conjecture and accusations
regarding chosen operating tactics and practices used during radio
sport competitions. It is with these thoughts in mind that we look to
you to ultimately make this open reporting common place in the sport.
Please write your respective VUAC representative (
http://www.arrl.org/contests/vuac.html ) if you feel strongly about
this topic and encourage the ARRL to take on this task themselves.
In the meantime, in an effort to assist in the gathering and
displaying of ours and others VHF contest logs, we will be collecting
logs from willing participants for the cause. For those who can't or
don't wish to host their own publicly viewable log data, we will make
a repository accessible via the web. For the moment we will be
leveraging the site www.vhfscores.info for displaying VHF contest
logs. To submit a log for addition to this site please send them to
logs at vhfscores.info - we prefer Cabrillo format, but in a pinch we
will take any VHF contest log data and will convert ourselves, in an
effort to get as much historic and future contest log data online.
Have an old hand written, scanned log from the 70s? Send it too! For
those that wish to host their own data, please send us a direct URL
link to your logs, so that we can post on our site to ensure you get
maximum exposure.
Please visit www.vhfscores.info and give us your comments, questions
and/or suggestions for the site. This is an early work in progress and
we are looking to make this as useful as possible for the entire VHF
contesting community. Expect to start seeing the first logs up in the
next week or two.
The VHF Contest Logs Repository
logs at vhfscores.info
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