2 Meter QSO’s in lower 48 via terrestrial

kevin kaufhold kkaufhold at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 16:10:56 EST 2008

I am working on an article for my club’s newsletter on
an interesting piece of trivia and operating lore,
namely the people who have worked all 48 contiguous
states on 2 meters by terrestrial means only.  Here
are the stations that that have accomplished the feat,
that I know of: 

- W0SD, SD, August, 1979;
- K5CM, OK, in Dec. 1980; 
- W0EMS, NE, in August, 1981; 
- WQ0P, KS, August 1993.  
- K0ALL, EN16, ND (unknown date)
- K5UR, EM35, AR (unk. date)
- W5ZN, EM45, AR (then WB5IGF; unk. date). 
- KM0T, EN31, IA, 2001 and again in 2002. 

I know of the following articles that refer to
terrestrial only 2 meter contacts in all 48 lower

- QST World Above Column, 11-81, at 85
- QST World Above Column, 6-97, at 91
- QST World Above Column, 10-97, at 101
- CQ VHF, Summer, 2003, article by KM0T

Does anyone know of other people who have contacted
all 48 continental states on 2 meters by non-EME
means?  Any other articles that anyone is aware of
which discusses the topic?

Thank you. 


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