[VHFcontesting] KR7O ARRL VHF SS

kr7o at vhfdx.com kr7o at vhfdx.com
Thu Feb 21 18:46:32 EST 2008

                       ARRL VHF SWEEPSTAKES -- 2008

       Call:      KR7O
       Category:  Limited Multi  (KR7O + Packet)
       Power:     High Power
       Band:      All Band
       Mode:      Mixed Mode
       State:     CA
       Grid:     DM07, SJV

       BAND     QSO    QSO PTS      GRIDS

        50       49       49          24
       144       40       40          19
       222       20       40           9
       432       24       48          10

      Totals    133      177          62  =   10,974

Equipment Description:
6M  3x 6M7JHV, 1500w
2M  2x 2M-XP28, 1x 2M5wl, 1500w
222  222-7wl, 100w
432  432-9wl, 10w

Lots of equipment issues this time.  Found out after the contest that the 
432 amp was powered off, so only ran 10W, luckily only cost me a couple 
contacts where the other station couldn't hear me.  Poor activity, more 
than half of my contacts were with a few very active rovers.  Almost 
nothing heard from southern CA on Saturday night, despite extensive 
searching and CQ's.

Club Affiliation: Northern California Contest Club

73, Robert KR7O/YB2ARO, DM07ba/OI52ee  (ex.  N7STU)
kr7o at vhfdx.com

www.vhfdx.com (KR7O/YB2ARO homepages)

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