[VHFcontesting] APRS Protocols for SS 08?

Carl Facer cfacer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 12:20:15 EST 2008

On a quick note, you can use the following website to track APRS stations
using a google maps interface. Also, check out the options on the right hand
side of the screen for long-term data and other goodies.


It's th bst interface I've sen so far ... if only there were a software
prgram like this that could interface with a TNC and didn't need an internet
connection for the maps...

-Carl, KC2LLT

(on APRS now as KC2LLT-9 using a PocketTracker @ 200mW, perminanent install
in the car ... and love it!)

On 1/11/08, jcplatt1 at mmm.com <jcplatt1 at mmm.com> wrote:
> Hi Mark.   Good questions.   I am an APRS newbie myself so I am interested
> in what others may say with respect to your questions.   With the new
> rules
> its possible that we may see some changes in how all this is done.
> One thought is that a "/ p" control character will generate a "puppy", as
> in rover, and that is what I am currently using in my TinyTrak.   You can
> see this symbol if you go to findu.com and search for W0ZQ-1.    Can APRS
> search engines display just "/ p" APRS stations ?     If rovers used "/
> p",
> can software be created that displays all rovers, or ??
> 73, Jon
> W0ZQ/R
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