[VHFcontesting] [NS9RC] Re: Newsline Clarifies statements made at Auction Meeting

Joe Serocki joeserocki at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 20:56:35 EST 2008

I totally agree. I watch this and it is all negativity!!! We need to make
positive statements, press releases and news stories about the hobby!!!


Tell me, what's better, being  on the defending or attacking side of a
conflict? Having the upper hand or trying to guess what the opponent has
going and create a defense? Should we look at the group that is not being
quite as ethical as they should be on a contest and attack them or enlighten
them as to what the rules are and how they are supposed to be interpreted
and cajole them away from 'the dark side'?


All I can say, and don't take this personally, is quit beefing about how
good things used to be or how someone doesn't like us or how someone else is
cheating, and do something about it! Make positive waves! I know, I sound
like a motivational CD, but the truth is we spend way too much time
defending when we should be attacking!


Thoughts, anyone????


Joe Serocki, N9IFG

President, WeLCARS (http://welcars.org)

Advisor, Venture Crew 743 (http://743.no-ip.org)

Member, Stoned Monkey VHF Society (http://stonedmonkey.org
<http://stonedmonkey.org/> )

IRLP Node 4239


If you don't like it SPIN THE DIAL!

Quando omni flunkus moritati!

Erro Ergo Sum



From: NS9RC at yahoogroups.com [mailto:NS9RC at yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 6:52 PM
To: NS9RC at yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [NS9RC] Re: Newsline Clarifies statements made at Auction


shel started another discussion on this topic, and I agree with you on not
supporting either of the candidates. Usually, I would vote for the lesser of
the evils, but this year I am not voting for anyone. 

As it goes for Amateur Radio, I have experienced and heard VERY ignorant
statements made even before Romney opened his mouth. He just served to
further an already existing bias from an uneducated public which extends
well into the high leadership of our country. She's comment mentioned
something of an ignorant attitude about us from G.W. and I would like to
know what was said or implied from his end.

I really find unfortunate the willingness of even the most educated
emergency service leaders, and municipal departments to dismiss us quickly
and then label us with insult as "unqualified", "Un-nessacery", "A
liability", "whackers", "wanna be's", and how unthoughtfully they spread
their misconceptions to others.

The reality is that we can invite people that matter as well as the public
to field day and other special events, but they have to want to come versus
feeling pressured. We can only educate those who wish to be educated. 

"Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI" <aa9vi at yahoo.com <mailto:aa9vi%40yahoo.com> >
wrote: Call me cynical, but I don't think we can expect much better from any
of the other viable presidential alternatives. Heck, I wonder if they have
any idea what ham radio is beyond 70 foot antenna towers and Heathkit
construction. Another ignorant example includes the President, FCC chairman
Powell, and Commisioner Abernathy trying to ram the dirty versions of "BPL
euphoria" down our throats. Rather than saying "don't vote for candidate X
or Y" I think our focus should be getting better exposure to ham radio at
the local and state levels. i.e. invite local state reps/senators or members
of the village board to field day, etc. The ignorant statements should
decrease if we did that. We might even help our cause to get a form of PRB-1
adopted in Illinois. After all, there are 722,000 hams in the country of 300
million... that makes us 0.2% of the population. It's easy to understand how
politicians are uninformed about such as small percentage of the overall
We need to help them "get it."

..disclaimer, I am not supporting any candidate at this point

Mike, AA9VI

Donald Whiteman <kk9h at earthlink.net <mailto:kk9h%40earthlink.net> > wrote:
Yes, I think we all got a preview from K9QVB at Tuesday's meeting.

(For those of you who weren't there.....it's about Mitt.)

But, we should wait and see what's on Newsline. Should be interesting.


--- In NS9RC at yahoogroups.com <mailto:NS9RC%40yahoogroups.com> ,
mfgardner at ... wrote:
> Comments about one of the presidential candidates' stance toward 
ham radio 
> will be clarified in the Amateur Radio Newsline report which you 
all can hear on 
> the Thursday evening net next week. Be sure to tune in!
> 73, Marilyn, W9LUO
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