[VHFcontesting] Orlando Meeting of the Southeast VHF Society in April

John Logsdon k2sto at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 25 10:16:46 EST 2008

Dear Club Information Officer,  

Please pass this along to your members:

The SVHFS group, aka Southeastern Very High Frequency Society, in conjunction with the Florida Weak Signal Society, [FLWSS], will hold their annual meeting at the Holiday Inn on the University of Central Florida. The dates of the meeting are  April 25 and 26, 2008. 

Please advise your club members  of the meeting. The Web Pages URL is SVHFS.org. The Florida Weak Signal Society URL is FLWSS.net. The Society is composed of people interested in Contesting, weak-signal operating, EME, moon-bounce and home-brewing/kit construction. 

Steve Kostro, N2CEI, of DownEast Microwave is our technical/program chair this year. 

We are still soliciting entries for our design contest and proceedings . See the Web pages for details. 

We will have VHF and higher pre-amp noise figure and antenna testing. Other program highlights include a dinner speaker, Joe Lynch of CQ magazine, at least three on-site vendors, an on-site hamfest, an auction of rare and vintage radio stuff and, of course, our technical presentations featuring new ideas in contesting, amplifiers, antennas etc. 

Typically, SVHFS draws a large crowd, (over 100) so please register early. 

Please contact k2sto at hotmail.com with any questions you might have. 

If you have not attended one of the national or regional VHF/higher Conferences, consider this one to try it out. It is close-by and the Hotel is giving us a great rate. You have to register soon to get the discounts!

Look for the FLWSS shirts at HamCation!  in Orlando. 

John Logsdon
Having more fun with greater frequency

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