[VHFcontesting] Limited Roving - Worth the Effort?

Shupienis, Joseph jshupienis at ccac.edu
Sun Jul 6 17:05:15 EDT 2008

Thanks fellas for a couple of great ideas...

Rover "window".
Good thinking. That way, people in the know, know to tune there looking for weak rover signals when they've worked the rest of the band dry. I'd suggest the low end of 2, like .150-160, but I really don't know enough to say for sure. 10 kHZ seems like enough -- after all, lots of DX gets worked on 75 between 3.790 and 3.800. Of course, rovers can run anywhere (and I hope the captives and grid circlers do go somewhere else).

Not as sure on this one. It sounds like a great way to let people know where to look for me (geographically, that is)... But even though I am an IT professional and earn my living based on extensive knowledge of modern computer networks and operating systems, I have reservations about APRS.

Now APRS to me as a rover would put me on the "benefit" side of Internet spotting. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and since I've publically rejected DX Internet spotting, I'll eat my own dog food here too, and not participate in APRS spotting either. But if you want to, that's up to you. To each his own!

73 de Joe W3BC

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