[VHFcontesting] [KCHams] Frequencies or repeaters to use from Mt. Rainier

kb7dqh at donobi.net kb7dqh at donobi.net
Thu Jul 31 23:31:01 EDT 2008

> I tried to post this once and it didn't seem to work.  Sorry if this
> is redundant.  I'll be high on Mt. Rainier Saturday and I was
> wondering if anyone knows of repeaters or simplex frequencies that
> would be useful from the SE slopes above 10,000 feet. Mainly for
> emergencies.   The park service monitors their own frequencies but
> didn't (or couldn't) tell
> me if they monitor anything else, CB, FSR, or 2-Meter etc.  I'm assuming
> cell phone coverage would not be reliable because I've found that to
> be the case at altitude around here.   Thanks,  JIM

With any power at all from your radio at that altitude, you should not
have any problem with any simplex or working several repeaters at once on
the same frequency!  I would, therefore, stick to simplex operations to
avoid that hassle.  If my memory serves me correctly, Camp Muir is on the
South side of the mountain... and thus you will likely have, from that
altitude, simplex coverage as far South as Eugene, Oregon, maybe further. 
Operators in Bend, Oregon likely would be able to hear you.  For that
matter much of Western and Eastern
Washington and Idaho, for that matter (those areas NOT shadowed by the
mountain you are on, or otherwise obstructed by Mt. St. Helens, Adams, or
Hood...) would be within "simplex" range.

Since this time period falls within the ARRL UHF contest period, bring
lots of batteries!!!  The contest utilizes all non-repeater frequencies on
amateur bands 222 and up!  If you have "440" capability, park the rig on
446.000, call CQ, be prepared for the pileup!  Exchange is callsign and
Maidenhead grid.   You, therefore would be in Grid CN96.

Enjoy, post pictures!!!

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