[VHFcontesting] VE3WCC June ARRL VHF QSO Party Operation FN04xa

Al & Shelley Penney vo1no at sympatico.ca
Fri Jun 6 20:54:36 EDT 2008

Members of the West Carleton Amateur Radio Club of Ottawa will operate
VE3WCC "Field Day" style in a multi-op effort from FN04xa for the June ARRL
VHF QSO Party.  Located at 730 feet ASL overlooking Lake Ontario, the
location will have a clear shot to the major population centers of Ontario,
Northern New York and beyond.

The group will operate all bands from 6M through 1296 MHz, 10 GHz SSB and
CW, and 10 GHz wideband FM using a Tellurometer.  We will also be able to
operate WSJT.  Schedules are very welcome at <vo1no(at)sympatico.ca>.

Rovers who will be within range are asked to forward their rover schedules.
Please include the grids squares and approximate times you plan to be in
each, a list of bands you are able to operate, and the co-ordination
frequency you will use.  Those rovers will will actually pass through FN04
are very welcome to stop by for a snack and hot coffee - directions to our
location can be sent by e-mail upon request.  As well, a limited number of
Tellurometers will be available for loan to rovers.  We will be located near
the intersection of 4 grids, so this could be quite profitable in terms of


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