[VHFcontesting] Question about Beko 432 Amp-Newbie

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Fri Jun 13 13:50:09 EDT 2008

A local ham was kind enough to allow me to borrow a Beko Electronik 400 watt amp for 432mhz. He had actually just purchased it, and had never used it himself. Looking at both the instruction manual and the rear power connector, it's calling for 230 VAC input. 

But the SSB Electronic web site and many others reference a "built in 230 VAC Power Supply". The rear connector looks like any standard 120 VAC "Computer type plug",
which is accepts. 

I don't want to risk damaging the unit by just plugging it into a 120 VAC outlet...and I've never owned an amplifier in my life, so it's all new to me. 

Do I need to supply this thing with 230 VAC? Or does it have a built in supply to transform 120 VAC to the needed 230 VAC? Sorry for the newbie question, but I don't want to risk damage. 


Les Rayburn, N1LF

Les Rayburn, director
High Noon Film
100 Centerview Drive Suite 111
Birmingham, AL 35216-3748 
205.824.8960 fax
205.253.4867 cell

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