[VHFcontesting] VHF contesting ethics questions

Jerry Siegmund jer.sieg at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 18 22:51:36 EDT 2008

I agree John.. I tried my First VHF Contest last September.. and heard a 
few 'weird sounds' that I later found out were WSJT MS Pings.. but after 
a 15yr absence.. I had never even heard of WSJT! This time I had my 'Old 
Stand Byes' Kenwood Single Band Rigs.. 660, 670, 711, 811.. Was 
listening North on 2M for Calgary(100mi or so and Never heard a Peep..) 
and working South on 6M when condx permitted. I heard W5DDR off the back 
of the 2M Beams, swung her South and we not only made the contest 
exchange, but QSO'd afterwards.. at 1200+mi on 2M SSB! An experience I 
will never forget as a 'Newbie' to VHF/UHF.. used 10W into 4el at 21' on 
6M.. and 150W into 2x13el 13B2's at 25 and 35'!  Now a 1200+mi QSO on 2M 
SSB with what I have, will be 'very hard to beat I am sure, for quite 
some time!
I am still hoping he was actually 'in NM' at the time!.. Thats One for 
'My Own Record Book'..
73 Jerry  VE6CPP

John Geiger wrote:
> It was kind of refreshing to disconnect the spotting networks and clusters
> this past weekend and to find stations the old fashion way-by LISTENING!
> Brought back memories of the old days.
> 73s John AA5JG
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Chet, N8RA" <chetsubaccount at snet.net>
> To: "'Paul Kiesel'" <k7cw at yahoo.com>; "'VHF Contest Reflector'"
> <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 5:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] VHF contesting ethics questions
>> Hi Paul,
>> I believe you are correct.
>> >From the General Rules for ARRL Contests on Bands Above 50 MHz:
>> "Rule 2.1.3.Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements
>> involving other individuals, DX-alerting nets, packet, etc) is not
>> permitted."
>> A ping jockey listing by station saying he is now on freq X using
> modulation
>> Y now calling CQ is really a self-spot by that station. That itself is
>> something not allowed for him by another rule I think, and it is not
>> permitted for a person entering as a single op to connect to that
>> assistance. This PJ spot is not really different than a packet spot, isn't
>> it?
>> This past weekend, I tried WSJT for the first time during a contest but
> did
>> not connect to ping jockey. I was not even motivated to do so. After using
>> WSJT for a few weeks I had learned the process of knowing when the decoded
>> messages had correct info, and then just followed the recommended sequence
>> of replies to know when my qso's were confirmed. What else would ping
> jockey
>> have done for me? During non-contest times it is nice to be able to have a
>> short chat on ping jockey or to get more insight into incomplete contacts.
>> Maybe someday there will be an SOA category, but I doubt I would enter it
>> since I think it would contribute far less to the fun factor than it does
> in
>> HF contests. One time last year I had missed that rule and connected to
>> packet and found that seeing a spot from a station in Maryland about a
>> station in Tennessee didn't help me any in Connecticut.
>> 73
>> Chet, N8RA
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Paul Kiesel
>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 12:30 PM
>> To: 'VHF Contest Reflector'
>> Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] VHF contesting ethics questions
>> I messed up my reply to this, so here it is:
>> In the interst of being specific about the topic of using the internet, I
>> ask:
>> May a single op station participating in the June VHF QSO Party use the
> N0UK
>> Ping Jockey and EME pages to look for callsigns/frequencies of potential
>> QSOs? I think not, but there are others who disagree.
>> Paul, K7CW
>> --- Paul Kiesel <k7cw at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>> --- "Chet, N8RA" <chetsubaccount at snet.net> wrote:
>>>> My current belief is that propagation data sites like
>>>> -the aurora oval picture
>>>> -Hepburn map predictions
>>>> -WWV SFI A and K info
>>>> -muf plots
>>>> -E's cloud maps
>>>> -NWS radar images
>>>> that have no specific real time station callsigns displayed with
>>>> them, are OK to use, and are within the letter, spirit and intent of
>>>> the rules. These don't solicit, suggest, or pre-fill info on
>>> working
>>>> a specific station right
>>>> now. If my belief is not correct, I'm certainly
>>> open
>>>> to hear about it.
>>>> The site you mention does show callsigns if you mouseover the color
>>>> bands.
>>>> (But I really don't know if those are unworkable stations like
>>>> beacons or repeaters or include indicators from stations now active
>>>> in that location.)
>>>> Discussion of specific examples of ok's and
>>> no-no's
>>>> really helps make it
>>>> clearer to me, much more so than trying to parse
>>> the
>>>> meanings of words in
>>>> multiple sets of rules as an attorney might-hi.
>>>> 73
>>>> Chet, N8RA
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com
>>>> [mailto:vhfcontesting-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of kb8u vhf
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 9:04 AM
>>>> To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
>>>> Subject: [VHFcontesting] VHF contesting ethics questions
>>>> Do people think it is ethical to use the internet
>>> to
>>>> get National Weather
>>>> Service radar images to assist in knowing where to point a 10 GHz
>>>> dish for rain-scatter propagation during contests when all other
>>>> aspects of the contact are facilitated over the air?  Exclude the 10
>>>> GHz and up contest since the rules for that one say anything goes.
>>>> How about use of the real-time propagtion map at
>> http://www.mountainlake.k12.mn.us/ham/aprs/path.cgi?map=na
>>>> ?
>>>> Neither give the callsign or frequency of anybody you could work so
>>>> I'm OK with them but I'll stop if I'm in the minority.
>>>> -Russ  KB8U
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