[VHFcontesting] Compact VHF+ beams

John Geiger aa5jg at lcisp.com
Wed Jun 25 13:15:17 EDT 2008

Cushcraft makes a 6m/2m/70cm triband beam, where the 6m side is horizontal
and the 2m/70cm portion is vertical.  That might work for you if you are
using vertical polarization on 2m/70cm.

73s John AA5JG
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "steve d" <kc8qvo at yahoo.com>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 4:44 PM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Compact VHF+ beams

I am curious as to what everyone here thinks along the lines of compact VHF+
beams. I can't use the normal beams I have for VHF+ at the house because I
can't put them outside and there isn't enough space to turn them in the

I have resorted to using my Cushcraft A270-10s for 2m/70cm and one of two
wire HF antennas through a manual tuner and the auto tuner on my radio.
Obviously the wire antennas are a pretty poor way to get on the band, but I
have made contacts with them.

I was looking at the hexbeam by wb3bel http://wb3bel.googlepages.com/ for
6m. I might be able to sqeeze something like that in the attic. What do you

Another issue would be the proximity of the 2m/70cm beam. I might have to
scrap that one in favor of 6m as I don't have the space to spread the
antennas out. Would there be any way of incorporating 2m and 70cm in to one
hexbeam without destroying the pattern/performence completely? I know that
is like asking dirt to turn to gold but hey, Ill ask anyway HI!

Steve, KC8QVO

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