[VHFcontesting] super light weight 6m yagi?

Robert Cumming w2bzy at cfl.rr.com
Mon Mar 24 14:04:21 EDT 2008


One easy solution might be the 2 element Quad shown in the attached file.

I have one stored in my Garage made of 1/2" PVC pipe with the joints 
held together by set screws not Glue so I can take it apart after use 
like "Field Day".

The attached GIF file gives appx dimensions and construction 
details.  Formulas for the Elements are listed below - the spreader 
lengths and spacing on the drawing worked ok for me for 50.125.  The 
length for the wire I used 60 3/4" on each side for the reflector 
with a 4" stub.  The driven element was 58 5/8" on each side.  Be 
sure to leave enough extra wire to allow for securing to the 
insulators. I used 3" Glass "Dog bone" type (you can use a 3-4" piece 
of 1/2" PVC pipe for a Tempy Insulator). Spacing of 20" between 
elements worked ok for me.

I used 1/2" PVC Pipe for the spreaders and 3/4" for the Boom and 1" 
for the mast.
The wire is 18ga stranded wire

The best thing is that the PVC, and fittings (You might want to buy 
the 1/2" Cross tees here in the states) are available almost anywhere 
in the world.  You can go to most places in the world and buy 
the  pipe there and not worry about carrying an antenna.


element   =      1005                            Reflector    = 

Element spacings are on the order of 0.14 to 0.2 wavelength

  (meters)  =   300

By the way, Cubex makes its quads in a "travel-friendly" version.  My 
King-Bee  (4 element 6M/7 element 2M) has the 6M spreaders cut in 
half and attached to the boom with 3/4" Fiber glass sleeves that pass 
through the boom and secure with screws and nuts.  The boom also 
separates into two sections and will easily fit into a 4" fishing rod holder.

Mine has been together and apart about 6 times for Fielday and 
portable 6M/2M operation.

You can see the antenna on their web site; http://cubex.com , check 
out the new models section for the "Knockdown version of the 
"Kingbee".  The new version has 8 elements on 2M now.

Questions - just ask

Bob C.
QRV 160M-3CM
from EL98hr

At 01:00 PM 3/24/2008, k2kw-8 at adelphia.net wrote:
>Does anyone know of a super light weight 6M antenna for a light 
>weight DXpedtion?  (hopefully it's OK to ask here)
>I'm thinking along the lines of a sub-5 lb class of antenna that 
>might fit into luggage.  This is my honeymoon, so no KW, no monster 
>antennas, and minimal operating time.
>I see that Hex-beam has a real light weight antenna.  And maybe 
>Dunestar's 2 ele quad.  Are there any other options?  Or maybe 
>someone has built a super light weight yagi out of shock-corded tent poles?
>Outrageous location on Saba in early July.  One thought is to lay a 
>wire yagi on the deck...
>Many thanks, Kenny K2KW
>VHFcontesting mailing list
>VHFcontesting at contesting.com

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