[VHFcontesting] Contesting ethics for rovers
jcplatt1 at mmm.com
jcplatt1 at mmm.com
Mon Mar 31 16:27:46 EDT 2008
Hi Steve.
Good questions. Before I put in my $0.02 worth, I would like to state the
usual disclaimer that Sean provides the overall guidance on such questions.
With that stated, and regarding the rover family rule, note that it is tied
to General Contest rule 3.5. That rule says "3.5.A transmitter used to
contact one or more stations may not be subsequently used under any other
call during the contest period, except for family stations where more than
one call has been issued, and then only if the second call sign is used by
a different operator. (The intent of this rule is to accommodate family
members who must share a rig and to prohibit manufactured or artificial
contacts.)". So the rover family rule is really in line with the family
rule as applied across all ARRL (HF and VHF) contests ... the family rule
is the family rule. There was discussion around if applying this rule this
way for rovers constituted "manufactured or artificial contacts", but again
the same interpretation is used across all contests.
Based on what I read in your email, I would suggest that the family rule
does not apply in your example. In addition, under the rover rules, a
rover can only transport one station with one call. Perhaps this is a
good reason to advance your relationship beyond "girl friend" ?
73, Jon
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