[VHFcontesting] QST_ June contest write up

Eric Watkins shelshok at comcast.net
Thu Nov 20 03:41:14 EST 2008

>   Again, I am not a rover and don't have any desire to be,

Why such strong feelings about rover rules if they don't apply to you?

I really wish that everyone who had a heated opinion about how evil 
the rover rules are actually went out there and gave roving a serious 
effort before they wrote it off as "cheating". I rove almost all the 
time, and I don't complain about the multi-op or single class rules. 
While I don't grid circle or pack rove, I can see the allure, it 
sucks to drive out to BFE and then not have any stations to work in 
that grid. Having another rover along to work out there is nice. 
Someone else made the statement that perhaps all the rover categories 
should be eliminated; I sure hope this was a joke. I make serious 
contributions to stationary stations contest scores and should the 
rover class go away, I'm not sure I'd compete at all.

The ARRL has already segmented the rover category into three 
segments, Rover, RoverLimited and RoverUnlimited. Those of us who do 
rove are pretty happy about that, at least as far as I know. It gives 
the smaller rovers their own class and lets the larger rovers do 
their thing. Let's at least give those new classes a chance before 
shredding them up. Go so far as to actually compete in a rover class 
before hooting and hollering about it. Do you really want rovers to 
stop activating rare grids and handing out all those multipliers?

(I do have to agree on the issue of opening up the logs. Information 
wants to be free. You can learn quite a bit about how the winning 
multi-op stations do it by looking at the CQ HF logs. I can't wait 
for the day that the ARRL does this too.)


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