[VHFcontesting] (Rover) What does N6NB et al say?

Bruce Richardson w9fz at w9fz.com
Sun Nov 23 00:46:32 EST 2008

Say, I'm enjoying the conversation and some of the creative ideas.
I tried to click on N6NB's link, but it wouldn't come up. Perhaps
his site has been swamped--I don't know.

First, I'm really proud of the roving I've done over the years and
the fun I've had.  I think I've helped out a lot of stations with
needed grids both in and out of contests.  That's my arrogant view
from inside my head. I guess you'd have to ask regional fixed
stations for another view :-) .

Second, I don't appreciate what N6NB and others have done over the
past few years.  I think it's actually hurting the hobby.  But I
recall Wayne contending that "he's trying to point out something
that's broken". That's my paraphrase. Can someone recap whether
there was a motive to their exercise beyond winning and having fun
(as they see it)?  Was Wayne trying to point out a rule structure
that is broken?  If so, they're still pointing it out but I'd love
to have their take on it. Because from my view, their behavior is
hurting the hobby.

Well, when the 100Q limit came out, I railed that it was wayyyyy
too high.  As a classic rover , a 30 limit (per other rover) would
accomodate all the other non-orchestrated rover-to-rover I've ever
experienced in any contest.

Ya know, I don't particularly approve of a rover taking along even
a "pup" to guarantee that rover getting his own grid. I don't do
it and those who do beat me all the time. Oh yeah, but it's a
contest and I'm supposed to think that's ok. I love giving lots of
q's and unique grids to fixed stations. It's what drives my rover
decisions about where to go and for how long.  (Does that mean we
need a scoring/rules structure that supports that behavior? :-) )

Anyways, can someone recap whether Wayne and his gang (or any
other pack rovers) have a message to the rest of us as to why they
exploit the rules so?  If they have a message beyond skunking all
of us, do they have a suggestion on how to fix it?  Or is skunking
the rest of us really that much fun? :-)

Thanks and keep the discussion going,

Bruce Richardson W9FZ/R

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." - Hunter S.

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