[VHFcontesting] (Rover) What does N6NB et al say?

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Nov 24 08:13:07 EST 2008

On Mon, 24 Nov 2008, Ev Tupis wrote:

> I continue to focus on the social aspect of Amateur radio.  The 10-GHz+ contest is widely active in his region *because* is it a social event in which participants are encouraged to contact as many DIFFERENT stations as possible.
> Why the poor UHF activity in So. Cal?  Most likely because it lacks an aspect of social behavior.  There is much missing from his recap.  For instance...did he advertise ahead of his activity to let everyone know that he was coming through and to power-up?  That's what clubs do (and more) ahead of contests.  Did he publicly celebrate the event afterward in the community?  That's what clubs do afterward.

Interesting observations, Ev.  Coming up to the 10 GHz contest, a lot of 
us in this area have an e-mail list where we start discussing our 
operations at least a month ahead of time.  We talk abvout locations and 
make plans. There were about 12 people lined up on the beach in Empire, 
Michigan this September and I roved down Lake Michigan, working as many 
as possible as well as other Rovers along the lake.

I see this happening to some extent on the other VHF contests but not to 
the extent it happens in the 10 GHz contest. I know the NLRS is the same 
way. A few of them tried to work me in August and one was successful over 
a difficult path.

73, Zack W9SZ

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