[VHFcontesting] 432 Sprint Rover plans

Shupienis, Joseph jshupienis at ccac.edu
Wed Oct 1 17:26:12 EDT 2008

OK, I'm probably crazy, but ...
I'm planning on being set up and running from EM99wv at 7:00 p.m. I'll try to run on 432.118, and tune around 432.1 when things are slow. I'll be turning the beam and calling, turning the beam and calling, so point my way and give it a try. CW is fine if I don't seem to hear you. I'll probably stay for an hour or so, and then it's off to the top of Laurel Ridge (half a mile above sea level) in FM09eu. If you could work me from EM99, this one will be a snap! Travel should be less than an hour, so I'll be there about 9:00 p.m.
When I'm done there, I'll stop at one of the many hilltops along US-40 in FN00 somewhere, around 10:00 or so, and time permitting, EN90 around 10:45. These places are not as spectacular as my usual rover sites in FN00/01/10/11, but I have to be at work in the morning.
So here's the sked:
Freq: 432.118 run, 432.100 S&P
Time:          Grid:
1900 EDST EM99wv 
2100 EDST FN09eu
2200 EDST FN00
2245 EDST EN90 (?)
4 Grids in 4 hours sounds impossible, and it probably is. Two is realistic, and the first two QTHs are high and clear, so results should be pretty good. This will be the first rove in my new RoverWagon, so I expect Murphy will be my copilot.
Please look for me -- I don't want to be accused of being W3KWH's "captive rover"!  HI HI!
73 de Joe, W3BC/r

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