[VHFcontesting] 902/3 newbe questions #3-#5

Alan Muldawer alan at muldawer.com
Thu Oct 30 05:22:02 EDT 2008

Hi: More rookie questions:
1) With regard to a DEMI 60w transverter. I want to be in the "low 
power" category 10w in contests. How can a do this?
2) Also I have a Icom 756Pro and I use it for 6 meters in the 
contests. Well if I have a transverter on 10meters and I have to turn 
the power down and I guess that I have to move it backup when I am on 
6 meters?
3) The 756Pro with the transverter does the frequency read out 
display what 903 freq that I am on?

Alan N3ALN

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