[VHFcontesting] Hams on Twitter?

Jeff Thomas wa4zko at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 10 18:27:52 PDT 2009

Just started tinkering with Twitter myself. Seems more usable for ham stuff than FaceBook or MySpace IMHO. Admittedly I'm just getting started with a lot of this stuff...of which I have varying opinions of (grin).

Guess we would have to be careful how we use it during some of the bigger contests. Figure most folks would probably want to do two profiles. one personal, then one for ham stuff to keep things manageable.

I have the following setup now, VHF/UHF Dx'ers feel free to add/follow:


The above will pretty much just have ham related posts/stuff on it for now.

Hey, since our beloved hobby seems to be competing against this "fad" stuff that has the "younger folks" so distracted...we might as well use it ourselves!


Support Ham Radio in Kentucky, get involved, get on the air!
http://twitter.com/wa4zko  (ham activity notes & etc)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hspacket/  High Speed Packet Group.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/425echo/   444.425+ EchoLink Group.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/nkdxe/   NKDXE KY area VHF/UHF DX'ers.


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