[VHFcontesting] ssb question?

Marshall Williams k5qe at sabinenet.com
Sun Aug 16 13:39:57 PDT 2009

Hello everyone....I hate to get involved in these "mine is bigger than 
yours" contests.  But, here goes.....My personal best is 1604 miles from 
EM31 to KY1K in FN54.  This happened during an intense Es opening 
7/6/04.  Art was somewhat amazed to find out that I was in Texas.  I was 
pretty stoked too, as ME was a new state for me on 2M.  I worked 4 new 
states in the New England area that day.  What a day!!!!!

I am SURE that there are other SSB contacts that will exceed this.  I 
have made a few SSB contacts off the moon, one to Russia and one to 
Mississippi at 150 miles!!!  The really big stations can work SSB off 
the moon almost any day.  I guess what I am trying to say is that one 
should focus on what is the longest SSB contact that was made on a given 
mode on a given band.  Different modes/bands will yield different "long 
distance" contacts. 

The contact to DM82 is undoubtedly a good one.  I just looked on the map 
and I have never work DM82....so I am jealous....HI HI.  And I am a LOT 
closer to DM82 than you are......Congratulations on that one....

73 Marshall K5QE

GeorgeF. wrote:

>I don't know what the record for SSB on 2mtrs is but my personal best is 
>working W5WRL in DM82 from EL99 (1276 miles).  Was running 100 watts and a 
>6 element yagi at only 20'.    My personal best on 432SSB is WW2R in EL13 
>from EL99 (971 miles) on 50 watts and an 11 element yagi at about 23'.
>George - KI4FIA
>http://www.MilAirComms.com/shack.html  <-- Shack Pictures.
>At 04:45 PM 8/14/2009 -0700, you wrote:
>>what is the record for ssb? this past july29,2009 i made 1008.5mi from 
>>fn02 into em26(w6zi) with 150 and a 13b2. The best opening i have yet to 
>>be involved in.

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