[VHFcontesting] Contesting Philosophy

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Thu Aug 20 09:57:32 PDT 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 02:42:51AM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> Correct.  Always found it curious that there's no readily-available  
> historical record of the category winners, or any "depth charts"  
> beyond that.

I would really like that sort of information.  I think it would 
be cool.  Several efforts have been made in the past for some 
contests to compile this sort of data.  CQ magazine produced
an amateur radio almanac for a few years that had lists of all the
category winners for most of the large contests.  This was mostly
pre web information.

Creating these sorts of things takes time, effort and maybe some 
amount of money or at least money in the sense of someones time. 

> Even with rules-changes over the decades changing the overall scores,  
> it'd still be interesting to look at the history.  I can find out how  
> many times a bike rider, or NASCAR driver won... or see how many times  
> an Astronaut has been up... with just a Google search.  Google most  

The things you listed have larger fan bases and money backing.

> I have an uncle who's a baseball statistics nut, and there's giant  
> books with every play, every pitch... but with many ham radio  
> contests, there's not even readily available history of even the  
> winners...?

Yes!  That is what I dream about. 

For a number of years several of us (and we are always looking for help) 
have been working on an effort to create an open database of 
the sort of data you are seeking.  Through the efforts of some 
fine folks we have complete historical results of a number of contests.

Ken Harker WM5R has done a great deal of the database work as well
as getting all of the line scores for the ARRL 10 meter contest
into electronic format. 

You can see what we have so far here:


If anyone would like to help with this effort please contact me. 

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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