[VHFcontesting] KK6MC/r on QRZ.com video

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Thu Aug 27 20:24:59 PDT 2009

If you want to see what KK6MC/r looks like and sounds like in person  
go to:

< http://forums.qrz.com/showthread.php?t=215595 >

This is a video interview that QRZ.com did while I was at CactusCon, a  
QRP get together in Flagstaff AZ the weekend of the UHF contest. I  
gave a talk on getting started in VHF/UHF contesting that was well  

I made a few errors in the interview, it is of course a PAR  
Electroncis stressed Moxon, not a Dale Electronics stressed Moxon.  
Sorry Dale. I had a several friends that worked at Dale Electronics in  
Yankton, SD.

There was a lot of interest in the rover by hams that are not normally  
interested in VHF weak signal work, note the scene with people milling  
around the rover. There was lots of interest at the talk and perhaps a  
half dozen people expressed interest in getting on VHF weak signal, so  
I hope that I caused a bit more activity in the area.

My 3 minutes of fame. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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