[VHFcontesting] VHFcontesting] 902 vs. 903

Dan Michnay dfmich at comcast.net
Wed Feb 11 15:48:32 EST 2009

I have recrystaled my older DEM (no-tune variety) 902/3 xvter so that 902 in 
gives 144 out. This was mostly because there were more and more requests to 
go to 902 instead of 903 where I had always been. I just tune 144 or 145 
depending if I want 902 or 903.

Several people said that the noise from cell phone towers was lower at 902. 
I do not find it so here however.(Ft Wayne IN, EN71LE)

I have greatly improved the noise situation by putting a three pole BPF in 
front of the receiver. There is a small NF hit but not too bad. I have it 
arranged with a transfer switch so can see the noise with and without the 
BPF. Quite frequently the filter makes the band usable reducing a very high 
noise level down to the occasional bleep or blop (new technical terms).

I built the filter from plans in the Ham UHF/VHF conference proceedings 
literature which uses UT141 for the resonators. Can dig out the reference if 
anyone wants.

Dan K9EA 

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