[VHFcontesting] A distance scoring contest

David Olean k1whs at metrocast.net
Fri Feb 13 13:11:31 EST 2009

Hello Marshall,
    I worked a European station on 144 CW back in the mid 70's during a 
European contest that used distance to determine the score. My one contact 
put me way ahead of many stations in Germany and France who spent the entire 
weekend working many local stations for their score. I actually entrered the 
contest and it was very interesting to see my call listed about midway in 
the published standings with only one contact.
    You are right with distance scoring. EME contacts really skew the 
results. If such a plan leaves EME contacts as is, then the big multis will 
all use EME to bolster their scores and stay within the rules. You have 
already done that. I know that W2SZ has a 144 EMEstation already as well.

Dave K1WHS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marshall Williams" <k5qe at sabinenet.com>
To: <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, February 13, 2009 4:08 PM
Subject: [VHFcontesting] A distance scoring contest

> Hello to everyone.....Concerning the Distance scoring thing:  First, let
> me say that I neither oppose nor favor a distance measured contest.  I
> have never operated in one and it might be fun.
> However, I would like to bring up an issue that has not been
> considered.  In the Jan VHF contest, I made 36 2M EME contacts with
> stations all over Europe and the US.  Although there are only a few
> JA's, VK's, and ZL's on EME, it is certainly possible to work them too.
> Below I have listed a few of these contacts, just for calculation
> purposes.
> A bit of analysis here:  The longest contact made was to Glenn, ZS2GK at
> 9124 miles....the shortest to John, W4RBO, was only 774 miles.  Most EU
> contacts are 5000+ miles.  The run of the mill US contacts were from
> 1200- to 1900- miles.  I have only listed 31 contacts, with a total
> mileage of 120997.
> The issue that I want to advance is that a single contact of 9124 miles
> would be the same as 91 contacts of 100 miles--or 45 contacts of 200
> miles.  I doubt very much that I make 45 contacts of 200 miles or more
> to non-EME stations in *any* VHF contest on 2M.  The contacts listed(the
> other 5 are scattered in my log somewhere) would be equivalent to 1209
> contacts of 100 miles and 604 contacts of 200 miles!!  I certainly have
> never made 1209 contacts on 2M in any contest, much less of 100 miles.
> I have never made 604 contacts on 2M either....of any distance.  I guess
> I can dream.....HI.
> Hence, and I am finally getting to the point of all this, a distance
> scoring contest would inevitably become a "mini-EME" contest with
> whatever locals you could find thrown in.  I would participate in this
> contest and have fun, especially since I would have a major advantage
> over everyone in the country except for a few spoil sports.....like
> W5UN, KB8RQ, K9MRI, W7GJ, K6MYC, K1JT, and a few others.  HI.  You may
> see pictures of  my "advantage" on my web site.
> Finally, a contest where the advantage of the folks living in the
> "Golden Corridor" is eliminated!!!  It is CLEAR that we should have such
> a contest!!!  Considering how awful the propagation was in this Jan
> contest, maybe the Jan contest should be it.
> OK you say, we will just ban EME contacts in such a contest.  Well that
> certainly files in the face of a distance measured contest.  We want
> people to work hard to make difficult, long distance contacts--just not
> TOO long distance!!
> Again, I think that a distance measured contest might be fun and I would
> certainly participate.  I just wanted everyone to know how such a
> contest will be "gamed".
> GM es 73 to all.....Marshall K5QE
> www.k5qe.com
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0704 K5QE              EM31   ZS2GK
> KF47    9124 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0710 K5QE              EM31   DL8GP
> JN39     5055 miles
> QSO:   144 CW 2009-01-18 0720 K5QE             EM31   SM2CEW
> KP15     4963 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0730 K5QE              EM31   RK3FG
> KO86    5729 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0734 K5QE              EM31   K0KP
>       EN36     1043 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0750 K5QE              EM31   IK1UWL
> JN33     5260 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0754 K5QE              EM31   HA0HO
> KN07    5666 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0758 K5QE              EM31   K0AWU
> EN37    1112 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0802 K5QE              EM31   9A3GE
>      JN75      5519 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0807 K5QE              EM31   YL2HA
> KO26     5403 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0811 K5QE              EM31   OM3BC
> JN98      5550 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0816 K5QE              EM31   YT3I
>      KN05     5752 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0820 K5QE              EM31   WB2RVX
> FM29     1195 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0825 K5QE              EM31   DK1CO
> JO63      5139 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0832 K5QE              EM31   IK1FJI
>       JN44      5310 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0837 K5QE              EM31   DK5EW
> JN48      5168 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0845 K5QE              EM31   DL4DWA
> JO61     5212 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0855 K5QE              EM31   S52LM
>     JN65     5438 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0905 K5QE              EM31   K1JT
>     FN20     1224 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0908 K5QE              EM31   WA3QPX
> FM29     1195 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0914 K5QE              EM31   DJ9EV
>         JN49       5134 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0921 K5QE              EM31   K6MYC
> DM07    1495 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0924 K5QE              EM31   IK2DDR
> JN55      5357 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0940 K5QE              EM31   I2FAK
>   JN45      5274 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 0958 K5QE              EM31   EB1DNK
> IN62      4655 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1025 K5QE              EM31   K7CW
> CN87      1899 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1100 K5QE              EM31   K1OR
>     FN42      1469 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1110 K5QE              EM31   W7CE
> CN87      1889 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1134 K5QE              EM31   W4RBO
> EL99       774 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1140 K5QE              EM31   W1TMZ
> FN41     1442 miles
> QSO:   144 PH 2009-01-18 1146 K5QE              EM31   VE5UF
> DO61      1542 miles
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