[VHFcontesting] Contesting Philosophy (CQ

Bruce Kripton bkripton at pacbell.net
Thu Feb 26 19:52:40 PST 2009

You only missed one thing I could think of, it's FUN. There's a lot to be said for the slower pace, being able to entice and encourage others in to participating because it isn't like having to drive on the Autobahn with a Yugo and just about everyone has six meters and two meters available in some flavour ....  less presure, less complaining ?

--- On Thu, 2/26/09, James Duffey <JamesDuffey at comcast.net> wrote:

From: James Duffey <JamesDuffey at comcast.net>
Subject: [VHFcontesting] Contesting Philosophy
To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Cc: "James Duffey" <JamesDuffey at comcast.net>
Date: Thursday, February 26, 2009, 7:25 PM

Ron - You wrote:

"... can someone tell me why the CQ Contest rules never seem to come  
up for discussion on this list?"

Sure. It is only two bands, 6M and 2M. Both bands have the same point  
So, the multiplicative effect of multipliers from one band to another  
does not occur significantly as there are only 2 bands involved, not  
10 or 12. And the higher QSO points on the microwave bands are not  
multiplied by large numbers of grid multipliers on the lower bands.
It is strictly a VHF contest. You don't need lots of microwave gear to  
be competitive.
There are fewer participants so there are fewer people to complain.
Perhaps the fewer participants constitute the more hardcore VHF  
contesters and hence they are happy to be out competing with the rules  
that exist rather than complaining that someone who finished ahead of  
them did so by exploiting loopholes in the rules.
The CQ contest is less important and hence people perceive that there  
is less at stake and don't care so much?
The rules are simpler, more straight forward, all in one place,  
published in a magazine, and hence there is less to complain about.
It is conducted by a for profit organization that has no motives other  
than to sell magazines and web ads rather than a nonprofit  
organization that feels it has a responsibility to make sure that it  
is responsive to its members and whose members complain when they  
don't get their own way. Plus the usual electro-political machinations  
that, for good or bad, drive those involved in predominately volunteer  
nonprofit organizations are missing from the sponsors.
Or some combination of the above. But I suspect that you knew most of  
what I wrote. :^)= - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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