[VHFcontesting] Contest plans

Ironclaw jlubliner at verizon.net
Wed Jan 7 07:12:23 EST 2009

Hi all;
The "Dark side of the Force" contest group is hoping to operate in FM28 
Ocean City, MD like most years at the beach. A different hotel since our 
usual one is being renovated. I hope we don't have problems or 
complaints about TVI from these folks....

Plan on putting up 50 to 1.2G most likely. Skeds are welcome but we 
usually just work who we typically hear when It's convienent to both 
parties so feel free to set up a sked if you like with us.

Will have decent size ants up this time since we'll have a really large 
patio area with no obstructions in most directions as well as more 
height this time 3 stories higher and less powerline noise since it sits 
way back from the neon signs and street utilities. It took 3 years to 
negoiate the terms to use this space when finally someone in the 
management knew about ham operations and decided it was OK to accomodate 
us strange characters!....You'd think we were aliens or something but 
lugging in antennas and radio gear on the luggage carts is a strange 
sight to most people.

Good luck to all and hopefully we'll have some good 
conditions.....fingers crossed


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