[VHFcontesting] 2m all mode for sale

Trent Fleming trent.fleming at gmail.com
Thu Jan 8 17:58:40 EST 2009

Just in time for VHF Contest.  Surely someone needs this great radio:

The radio is in excellent working condition. I have mainly used the
radio to drive a TenTec 1209 transverter, but based on my success on 6
it is clear the the 221r is also good stand alone. Not much 2m SSB
around here, so little use. I have periodically checked into 2m FM
nets with it, and that works fine (but no tone board).
The dial back-lite on the radio is out. I've been meaning to replace
it with an LED but haven't gotten around to it. I built the preamp but
have not installed it yet, I will include it.
I have manuals for the radio and preamp.
$225 for the radio, Shipping extra.

Special for my weak signal friends - $225 includes shipping!



Trent Fleming
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