[VHFcontesting] CQ to accept eQSL for award credit

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Wed Jan 14 01:45:21 EST 2009


According to Eham, QRZ, DX News, and numerous other sources, CQ Magazine will begin accepting eQSL (www.eqsl.cc) confirmations for their awards programs. This bold move certainly "ups the ante" for the ARRL and their LoTW program. 

While I've been an active user of Logbook of the World for several years now, I've also been disappointed with it in many ways. First and foremost is that it is currently only accepted for DXCC and Worked All States. It is not accepted for VUCC, and there is no timetable from the league on when this award and others might be added. 

The league has cited limited resources and complexity as the barrier to adding more awards to the program. I had hoped that the addition of Yaesu as a major sponsor of the program might accelerate progress, so far there has been no visible movement. 

Another criticism is that the security for LoTW is unnecessarily high, and these safeguards increase the complexity and making changing the software difficult and time consuming. Literally, I can log on to my bank and perform on-line banking with fewer safeguards than exist on LoTW. 

Those of us in corporate America see this mind-set all too often. The IT department staff lives in fear of viruses, cyber-attacks, and other threats, and management doesn't really understand the technology. The end result is that users are often handcuffed with a network that is too protective, with adverse effects on productivity. The league seems to have fallen into this trap as well. 

While they will accept virtually any printed card, or letter from another amateur as proof of a QSL, I cannot receive a JPEG image by computer and print it out. "Card checkers" have widely varying standards, and the whole system ignores the modern age of communications. 

I'm no huge fan of eqsl's system either, but it does seem a more reasonable compromise between the legitimate need for security and validation and ease of use. As postal costs continue to rise, and the economy suffers, the sheer cost of achieving awards like VUCC becomes a real issue for most of us. Even domestic postage can be daunting, and international rates far worse. 

I'd love to see the league publish a timeline for adding VUCC and other awards to LoTW as an immediate step. I'd also like to see them consider alternative systems like eQSL for award credit, perhaps for domestic awards like WAS. Reducing the security for the system could also speed adoption and popularity of the system. 

If VUCC credit were allowed, would other VHF operators use it or not? I get a lot of 6 Meter contacts being reported now on the system, but very few for 2 Meters and up. 


Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

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