[VHFcontesting] Update from Wisconsin -- lots of new activity this weekend

Todd Sprinkmann sprinkies at excel.net
Fri Jan 16 13:11:11 EST 2009

   Lots going on around WI to share with the list.  I'll try 
to do the highlights first. 

   There should be a significant number of new guys trying out 
contesting in and around the Milwaukee and La Crosse areas this 
weekend.  A few will even try roving around the MKE grid squares 
of EN63/53/62/52.  Chicago area and Michigan hams want to be 
aware of this.  As well as other Midwest ops. Thank goodness it 
will warm up into the teens or lower 20's tomorrow. 

   2-5pm central on Sat is a focused activity period where 
traditional SSB contesters from the Badger Contesters area will 
be meeting a lot of new guys, most of whom will be trying 146.55 
and 146.58 FM.  Spread out to 146.49-146.40 if it gets very busy. 
Some of the newer guys will be taking some baby steps on 144 SSB 
as well.  A few have better stations than they realize, but they 
have never heard VHF crowded, so it'll be interesting for them. 

   Some have other bands, mostly FM, so 52.525, 223.5 and 446.0 
have been explained to the new ones as well.  They also are 
aware of 50.125 and up, as well as 432.100 on SSB.  They've been 
urged to get on the air with what they have and try contesting in 
an ARRL contest.  With any luck, some will become regulars. 

    I hope folks near WI will take some extra time to look our 
way on Sat. afternoon, and enjoy the new activity.  As well as 
be patient and kind if some new guys seem a little overwhelmed. 

    That's the short version.  Here's more background. 

    The force behind this new activity has been mostly me, LOL. 

    I started up 144 SSB nets on Wed. night and 146.43 FM nets 
on Thur. night.  Started this back in late summer.  The response 
to the nets has been fantastic.  Mostly because I email the heck 
out of various VHF clubs and even some regular old ham clubs in 
my local area.  Without the email reminders, participation drops 
off quickly. 

    For anyone here who's interested, I also post net reminders on 
http://dxworld.com/vhfqso.html every Wed.  SSB, I have stacked 12 
els up 105/110'.  Have a multi-state range there.  The 146.43 FM 
net I am only omni and vertical up 60', but you're still welcome to 
try and listen along every Thur. at 8:30pm central. 

    The nets are strictly fun and informal.  Stay as long or as 
little as you like.  Purpose is to stir up activity on less-used 
portions of 2 meters, and to get hams to see what their stations 
and antennas can do. 

    Anyone is free to pass this info along.  Referrals are welcome. 
Other hams who are interested in starting nets on different days/ 
nights or on different bands are also urged to contact me.  The 
foundation is being laid here for a real surge in regional activity. 
I'd enjoy having some collaboration. 

    I started the 146.43 FM net because I wanted to branch 
out and meet the repeater guys/gals in the middle.  It's worked. 
Now after some months, I've been encouraging them to give the ARRL 
contests a try.  They already have experience with an FM sprint 
that's been running for some years in the Milwaukee area.  The MRAC 
FM Simplex contest is on Feb. 8th, so take a listen for that if 
you're in the area.  We can always use more participants. 

    This week, I've gotten email and on-air commitments from at 
least 2 dozen guys to give the ARRL contest a try this weekend. 
I've urged these hams to talk it up with their buddies, and I'll 
know in 27 hours if it's successful. 

    I've sent out emails I typed up called VHF Contesting School. 
My hope is that they will at least know some basics before the 
contest starts.  And that they won't lock up with stagefright 
when the CQ Contests start flying.  :) 

    I post this info here to get people thinking.  Thinking about 
what they can do to improve activity in their area.  I have no 
idea how large the audience is here -- I imagine it's far greater 
than the several dozen active posters. 

    Also am interested in hearing directly (or via the list) from 
anyone, anywhere who has tried this sort of thing in the past.  To 
compare notes and see what works, what doesn't. 

    2009 should be a year filled with more activity in and around 
the Wisconsin area.  Chicago area also has the Central States VHF 
Society annual meeting in late July.  I hope to see many of you 
there.  As well at Amateur Electronic Supply's annual Superfest, 
in Milwaukee, on April 3-4th. 

    Oh yes, here's another resource for those who haven't already 
seen it.  N0IRS is J.D. from EM29 Kansas City.  He's started up a 
dynamite website and club that promotes VHF/UHF ops.  It's at 
www.kcvhfgridbandits.com  I've enjoyed the newsletter there, as 
well as a wealth of slick audio/video clips of contesting and 
working band openings.  You show some of that stuff to the repeater 
crowd and their eyes just might open up.  I've even joined the 
Grid Bandits, maybe you want to also. 

    Thanks for the bandwidth, good luck to all in the contest. 
    Todd  KC9BQA  EN63ao   40 N of Milwaukee 
    50 thru 2304 

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