[VHFcontesting] 1.2GHz transverter station for sale

Joe Serocki joeserocki at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 17:26:16 EST 2009

SSB Electronic LT-23S transverter.just like LT33S but uses 144 MHz for the
IF.  Solid state power amp is a DownEast  2335PA which is good for about 30
watts output (only measured 20 watts on a 400-1000 MHz Bird slug).  CX-600
relay and all connecting cables and plugs.  There is no preamp on this


Operates off 12V






Joe Serocki, N9IFG

Prez, WeLCARS (www.welcars.org)


Commander Peter Quincy Taggart: Never give up, never surrender!

Red Green: Quando omni flunkus moritati - when all else fails, play dead.

Riley Hollingsworth: If you don't like it spin the dial!

Serocki: It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, but you better
have whatever it is fixed first!



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