[VHFcontesting] UPDATE Re: Yaesu FT-2000 on 6 meters

Paul N1BUG paul_n1bug at verizon.net
Fri Jan 30 08:10:18 EST 2009

Bill W5WVO wrote:
> The winner... over what? A K3? If so, I'd be interested to know
> why. Most people I know who have compared them say the K3 is a far
> better radio. (I own a K3, but have never used an FT-2000, so I
> can't comment. However, in terms of bench metrics, there is no
> comparison. The K3 wins hands down.)

The instant I hit 'Send' on that message I knew I should have added 
something to it concerning the reasons for my closing statement... 
Hindsight! ;-)

I meant only that the FT-2000 would probably still be my personal 
choice if I were buying today, despite the K3 blowing it away in 
certain areas of performance. I have to consider my vision defects 
and such factors as operator convenience and overall enjoyment of a 
radio in addition to raw performance. What I really wanted was a K3 
packaged like an FT-2000, but you can't have everything!

As I noted, the FT-2000 still has (and will always have) a very 
serious receiver IMD problem. That alone will be reason enough for 
many people to choose the K3 which is clearly setting a new 
benchmark in that area! I have lost some contest Q's on low bands 
because of this IMD problem. I have yet to hear any sign of IMD on 6 
meters but my time for that will come. To date I simply haven't 
encountered the prerequisite onslaught of multiple bone crushing 
signals close spaced on 6 meters... maybe when F2 returns? I would 
be interested in seeing comparisons of the K3 and FT-2000/PEP2000 (a 
fully updated FT-2000) DSP functions, which is mainly what my 
comments were about.

My only intent in posting what I did was to update/retract some 
earlier statements I had made about the FT-2000, which, in my view, 
are not relevant to a fully updated FT-2000 today.

I sold essentially my entire 20 year collection of gear (mostly 
homebrew born of scrap salvaged from unlikely sources because that 
was all I could afford) in order for the once in a lifetime chance 
to own a new radio with the features I'd always dreamed of... and 
that hopefully wouldn't be breaking down every other day... only to 
be disappointed with my shiny new rig less than 5 minutes after 
taking it out of the box. Major bummer! That AGC issue immediately 
got in my face... and stayed there! That problem has now been fixed, 
along with a host of lesser (but important) annoyances with the DSP. 
My opinion of the FT-2000 has gone up several notches since the 
PEP2000 update, and I'm no longer sadly disappointed with my choice 
of radio.

Let me retry my closing comments...

Those buying a radio solely based on performance should buy a K3!!! 
Those who might wish to trade off some raw performance for certain 
other qualities in a radio, and who have heard negative things about 
the FT-2000, *may* want to take another look before making their 
buying decision. The recent CPU and DSP software updates have 
eliminated many of the issues that I and other FT-2000 owners were 
whining about. Rats, now I gotta find something else to whine about!

Disclaimer: I have never actually owned or operated a K3. I have 
seen one and twiddled the knobs a bit, and have studied the K3 
owner's manual. I wish I could compare a K3 side by side with the 
FT-2000 under actual DX/contest operating conditions.

I won't take up further bandwidth on the reflector but will be happy 
to answer any questions privately.

Paul N1BUG

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