[VHFcontesting] CQ WW VHF: K7TOP in DM34 on 6m and 2m

k7top at k7top.com k7top at k7top.com
Wed Jul 15 21:58:34 PDT 2009

K7TOP plans to be QRV on 6m and 2m from DM34 for the CQ WW VHF contest.  Planned operating hours 
will be between 1800 UTC Saturday, July 18, 2009 through 2100 UTC Sunday, July 19, 2009.


The chosen site is in the beautiful Bradshaw Mountains of Arizona at around 8,000 feet ASL.  As of 
this moment it looks like a solo operation on a bit of a shoestring, but the plan is to be 
operating for as much of the 27 hours as stamina and weather permit.  Temperatures have been above 
115 F most days of late and the monsoons are rolling in which bring high winds, rain, thunder and 
lightning.  Loads of fun in anybody's book!

There's a clear shot to California and is line of site for lots of you 6-land stations.  Listen up, 
because I will no doubt hear you from this super low noise floor locale.  6m and 2m contacts should 
be a slam dunk.  This location has a great view of the hoirizon in pretty much every direction.

The code is a little rusty after a nearly 2 year hiatus so go easy and be prepared to repeat things 
a few times, but the key and headphones will be plugged in and ready to go.

So far the plan is to use a 6M5X (talked myself into leaving the JHV at home but we'll see what 
gets loaded into the truck) and a CC3219B on 2m.  Probably 75-100W on each band to conserve amp-
hours.  Mast will be rotated by hand.

If it gets too windy or stormy it'll get shut down during those times to preserve life of equipment 
and its operator and hopefully to reduce bent aluminum.

Catch you on the air, and have fun!



Barry, K7TOP

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