[VHFcontesting] [Fwd: MMMonVHF Newsletter 2009-07-17]
James French
w8iss at wideopenwest.com
Fri Jul 17 07:34:43 PDT 2009
Just thought I would pass this on seeing that a lot of you that post
here made it in the letter this week...:)
Here's to hearing a LOT of activity this weekend on the bands.
James W8ISS
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: MMMonVHF News Mailer <nl at mmmonvhf.de>
To: w8iss at amsat.org
Subject: MMMonVHF Newsletter 2009-07-17
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 14:00:22 +0200
Hallo dear MMMonVHF friends,
please find below our latest NEWSLETTER of the VHF-DX-Portal
"Make More Miles on VHF" (www.MMMonVHF.de) dated 2009-07-17
We attempt to distribute our Newletter one or two times per week.
For further detail please be so kind and refer at our "News"-page:
http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php - welcome and enjoy...
MMMonVHF The VHF-DX-Portal
The 2009 CQ World-Wide VHF Contest will be at 18th and 19th July:
John Lindholm, W1XX, did send MMMonVHF again the engl. RULESHEET
for the 2009 CQ World-Wide VHF Contest. We translate it again into
a GERMAN RULESHEET and as well there are also some other versions
around. Please do have a good time in participation of that world
wide VHF contest! In any kind of questions please do not hesitate
to contact John via Mail (w1xx"at"cox.net). The Rules you be able
to find here: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2458 and as well
several stations take part are in the latest news...
SOURCE: tnx to John, W1XX, direct to MMMonVHF
SPORADIC E saison, inputs to MMMonVHF and Observation 2009:
NO - The Sporadic E saison 2009 is not over yet in europe!!! See
that very nice opening at yesterday afternoon/evening which lasted
around 2-3 hours! www.mmmonvhf.de/es.php?year=2009&month=07&day=16
It started with an opening between EA/EA6 to I/IT9/S5/HA. Later two
clouds provided good ES between G/PA/DL to EA/CT/EA9 and some tropo
helped the signals to reach EA8. Many stations have never worked or
heard so many EA8's on one day as this one...something to remember!
Note from PA4EME: several stations need to check their log as I can
see that they wrote down wrong mainsquares... and - as well today
it started eaarly again! CT1HZE worked into France and Italy as well
in Eastern Europe with a cloud over KO60. F0EJW reports to have heard
RU4AN which would mean over 3500 km...which would be exeptional for
only terestical path... PLEASE do keep sending us your reports:
http://www.mmmonvhf.de/es.php SOURCE: The MMMonVHF Team
Latest DXPEDITION and EVENT NEWS - Please do use:
and use the FILTER for your personal wishes!
*** SV / KM07 ***
Gabi, HA1YA, will be qrv from Zakynthos isl. (KM07JU) during
8th to 21st of july. The Zakynthos isl. Dxpedition will run on HF,
4m, 6m and 2m. Call will be J48YA. Meantime he did transfer as
well the 144 MHz Log and some nice Foto - have a look here:
SOURCE: tnx to Gabi, HA1YA direct to MMMonVHF
*** SM / JP62 ***
Ron, DL1RNW, will be qrv during his holidy mainly from JP62HM
square. Also i will go to JP72DC for some hours. More infos later
via DXC. 144 MHz RIG: 11el Yagi / max 150W QRG: start with cq
3?? on 144370 MHz Mode: FSK441 1st per. 73s es gd dx Ron dl1rnw
SOURCE: Ron, DL1RNW direct to MMMonVHF
*** E7 / JN84 ***
E77DX / E7/OK1DFC Bosnia and Herzegovina qrv on EME 70cm up from
JN84ix. Hi EME gang, time is running so fast and July is here.
How was planed on 12th of July I am moving from my QTH with all
stuff to Bosnia and Herzegovina E7. Dates and schedule you can
see here http://www.ok1dfc.com/Peditions/E7/e7.htm
We, OK3RM, OK3VM and me will be ready from 144 MHz up to 3,4 GHz
Since 13th the E77DX team ready - read more updates and latest
NEWS: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2479
SOURCE: tnx to Zdenek, OK1DFC, to MoonNet and MMMonVHF
*** W / EM31 ***
2M EME in the CQ WW VHF Contest July 18th and 19th.
Hello to everyone in the EME community. This year, the CQ WW
VHF Contest will be held July 18th and 19th. We want to work
as many EME stations on 2M as possible to increase our grid
count. Please help us with this event by working us on JT65b
or CW. Thank you very much. The moon rises here at 0830Z Sunday
July the 19th(=3:30AM Central Daylight on Sunday). At that time
we will start EME operations using JT65b on a frequency of
144.142MHz and we will take SECOND sequence. Read all details
at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2733
SOURCE: tnx to Marshall, K5QE direct to MMMonVHF
*** W / DN00 > DN04 ***
Tom, NQ7R is planning a trip to Crater Lake, OR leaving from the
Williams,AZ Hamfest on Sunday morning July 19. To add a bit of
spice to the trip I am planning on driving up the west side of
Nevada and into Oregon along grids DN00 --> DN04. I am planning
to operate 6m while mobile but when I stop for the night and
before I depart in the morning I hope to run WSJT for meteor
scatter and weak signal tropo contacts on 6 and 2. I might take
a 222 and 432 antenna if I have room. I do not have a set
schedule at this point in time but I hope to be in DN00 by
Sunday night (19th) and run WSJT Monday morning. Read more at:
SOURCE: Tom NQ7R/C91TK via Reflector
*** W / EN67 ***
K9CT is going to be active in the CQ WW VHF Contest on July
18th and 19th 2009 on 6m & 2m. Fellow VHF Contesters. K9CT,
N9LR and KC9LNH will be active in the July CQ VHF WW contest
next weekend from EN67. We will sign K9CT during the contest.
We will be full QRO on 6 meters and 200 watts on 2 meters. We
will be well above average terrain with great take off in all
directions. Point your antennas North toward lake Superior since
we will be surrounded by water in 3 directions. 73
SOURCE: Larry, N9LR via Reflector
*** W / FN45 ***
KX9X/1 is going to be active in the CQ WW VHF Contest on July 18th
and 19th 2009 on 6m & 2m. Hi Folks - I will be active from
Pittsburg New Hampshire in FN45 this weekend for the CQ WW VHF
Contest. I will have 100 watts on 6 and 2, SSB/CW (No WSJT, sorry)
Antennas are a 3-el Cushcraft yagi on 6 and a homebrew 5-el on 2,
both up about 25 feet. Elevation is about 2200' ASL. 6 Meters will
be my emphasis. I will be in the grid from Friday afternoon until
Monday morning. If the bands aren't open, I will be on or near the
calling frequencies. If the bands are open, listen for me on 50.168
SSB/CW. I hope to help folks get FN45 in the log. Good luck to all
SOURCE: Sean, KX9X via Reflector
*** W / FM09 ***
K8JWT is going to be active in the CQ WW VHF Contest on July 18th
and 19th 2009 on 6m & 2m. As of today I am planning for a Single
Op/All Band operation from FM09 for this weekends contest running
my FT-857D , 100watts on 6meters / 50watts on 2meters, with 11 ele.
beam on 2meters and either a KU4AB loop antenna (if it arrives in
time) or a dipole for 6meters.I am planning on running most of the
contest from Cooper's Rock Fire Tower site at 2800'amsl FM09cq (20
miles west of Morgantown,WV) unless weather or Murphy changes those
plans. Read more: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2726
SOURCE: Jacob, K8JWT via Reflector
*** W / EM96 ***
Hello VHF'ers, just wanted to let everyone know about the CQ World
wide VHF Contest upcoming this weekend. last year we operated from
the rare mostly water FM 13 Grid from Southport, NC, now we are
heading west to Boone, NC as *W4MW in *EM96 *W4MW *will be active
on Six Meter SSB/CW, and also Two Meter SSB/CW and FM Simplex. We
are also going to be trying WSJT modes FSK441 or JT6M on 6M late
Saturday evening. If anyone has any questions, please let me know
SOURCE: Bill, W4GRW via Reflector
*** W / CN83 ***
Hello All, I am planning on being in CN83 on some hilltop for the
contest. I will have 6 thru 1296, SSB/CW and WSJT capable on all
bands. I will have a DK7ZB 4 element yagi on 6M and 300w; two 8 el
quads and 300w on 2M; 16 element K1FO yagi and 250w on 222, 25 el
yagi and 140w on 432, I may take the 903 xverter and the 18 element
looper; and 55 element looper and 60w on 1296. I hope to find a
hilltop to operate from and be set up Friday afternoon, somewhere
NE of Oakridge, Oregon. See you on the air. Bruce, KI7JA
SOURCE: Bruce, KI7JA via Reflector
*** VE / FN05 ***
Murray, VE3NPB, and I plan to operate in the CQ WW VHF Contest from
the southwestern part of fairly rare grid FN05 this weekend. We'll
be running somewhere between 50 and 150 watts on 2m, and 100 watts
on 6m, with small beams. We'll be using my call, VE3SMA.
Read more: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2737
SOURCE: Steve VE3SMA via Reflector
*** W / ROVER ***
N1LF/R will be active in the CQ VHF July Contest on 2 Meters
(200 Watts into 10 Elements) and 6 Meters (100 Watts into a KU4AB
Loop): Saturday: 1800 UTC- I'll be looking for a high spot just
North of Tampa in the "Land of Lakes, FL" area. Should be here
all day. Sunday: 0900 UTC- We start the trek back home, which
will take me through EL88, EL89, EL80, EM70, EM71, EM61, EM62,
and EM63. Read more: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2731
SOURCE: Les, N1LF via Reflector
*** W / ROVER ***
WB8BZK/R will be roving the Chicago & Milwaukee area for the July
CQ WW VHF Contest on July 18th and 19th 2009
Read his Rover Plan at: http://www.mmmonvhf.de/latest.php?id=2722
Bands: 6m 100W (Loop) 50.190 - 2m 125W (4 el) 144.225 - 2m FM 5W
(Vertical) 146.550 Best of luck to everyone in the contest
SOURCE: Mike WB8BZK via Reflector
*** W / ROVER ***
W3DHJ/R will be rovering on both days of this contest.
On Saturday, I will begin at 1800z (contest start) (or, very soon
thereafter) from Gunnison, Colo - DM68. It will be DM68 -> DM67 ->
DM77 -> DM78 --> overnight. On Sunday it'll be DM78 -> DM77 ->
DM87 -> DM88. For more details, maps, and wild time guesses, see:
http://jonz.net/W3DHJ/vhfrover_plans.html 73
SOURCE: Jonesy, W3DHJ via Reflector
*** JW / JQ78 ***
Robert/LA9QNA and his XYL Gro will be active as JW9QNA from the
JW5E club station in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen island (EU-026,
WLOTA 0125), between July 17-22nd. Activity will include entries
in the NA RTTY QSO Party (20m) and the CQ World Wide VHF Contest.
SOURCE: [OPDX Bulletin] via ICPO Bulletin (July 16 - 24, 2009)
*** IS / JN41 ***
Joe, IS0MKX and other 14 operators will be active as IM0M from
Asinara Island (JN41DB, EU-165, IIA SS-061) on 22-26 July
including an entry in the IOTA Contest Team will be IS0MKX, I1BUP
IS0UMP, IS0ZOD, IW5ELA and IZ1DNJ. They will have five stations
active on the HF, VHF and UHF bands, SSB, CW and FM. QSL via IS0MKX
direct or bureau. The web sites for the operation are at
http://www.mdxc.org/im0m and
SOURCE: I1BUP via 425 DX News #949
*** VE / SAT ***
SPECIAL EVENT STATION VE3MOON for Moon Landing Celebration
In celebration of the 40th anniversary of the first manned moon
landing the special event callsign VE3MOON will be operating from
July 14-27th. They will be operating satellites from the Canada
Museum of Science and Technology during much of this period, usually
between 1400-2000z. They will also be working HF from various
locations throughout the duration of the event. Currently, they
do not have a set schedule, but they do have multiple radios and
operators. Popular satellites among their operators are AO-51,
SO-50, VO-52, FO-29, and the ISS. There will be a QSL card for
this special call. QSL management is through VE3OIJ.
SOURCE: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #916
*** 9A / JN73 ***
A Hungarian group will take part in the RSGB IOTA Contest
(July 25-26th) again this year. Their QTH will be on Pasman
Island (EU-170, ACIA IC-348, CIA-34, IOCA CI-085, MIA MC-291
WW Loc. JN73QW) from July 20-29th. Operators mentioned are
Laci 9A6NL (HA6NL), Zsolt 9A/HA6PS, Al 9A/HA7JJS, and Laci
9A/HA7PL. Before and after the contest you can find them on
all HF and 6m bands using CW, SSB and digital modes. QSL via
the HA bureau, or direct by the operators home addresses are
on QRZ.com. For direct answer please enclose SAE and 1 (valid
new) IRC or 2 USD. Without this the QSL will go via the bureau.
SOURCE: [HA0HW] via ICPO Bulletin (July 09 - 17, 2009)
*** TO ***
Willi, DJ7RJ, has received the callsign TO7RJ to be used
for the period between September 22nd and October 21st, 2009.
He will be using the callsign FH/DJ7RJ from October 21st until
he leaves the island on October 25th. Activity will be on 160-10
meters, possibly 6m, using CW and SSB. QSL via his CBA.
SOURCE: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #916
*** I / JN52 ***
Look for Paolo, IK2MLS to be active August 3-10th from the
island of Elba (EU-028, IIA LI-001, MIA MI-022, WLOTA L 0609).
QRV all HF bands, plus VHF, holiday style operation. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau.
SOURCE: [rsgbiota.org] via ICPO Bulletin (July 09 - 17, 2009)
*** EI / IO53 ***
David, EI3GKB will be active July 23-27th as EJ3GKB from the
island of Inisheer [Irish: Inis Oírr] (IOTA EU-006, WLOTA 2314
WW Loc. IO53FB), Aran Islands, Co Galaway, including an entry
in the RSGB IOTA Contest (July 25-26th). QRV 80-6 meters,
before and after the IOTA contest. QSL direct only to EI3GKB
(QRZ.com), with SASE/SAE and sufficient postage.
SOURCE: [EI3GKB] via ICPO Bulletin (July 16 - 24, 2009)
*** SV ***
Fred, PA1FJ will be active between September 14th and October
2nd as SV8/PA1FJ/p from Samos island (EU-049, GIOTA SAS-006
MIA MG-099, WLOTA L 4163). QRV 40-6m using 5 watt SSB QRP
TRX Yaesu FT817, and Buddistick antenna. QSL via home call
direct or bureau.
SOURCE: [rsgbiota.org] via ICPO Bulletin (July 09 - 17, 2009)
*** EA9 ***
DX Operation EA9 Melilla - Begin date: 20090722 - End date:
20090726- Callsign(s): EA9/DJ1AIB - DXCC entity: EA9 Melilla
QSL: JR1AIB - Op: DJ1AIB Notes: 160m - 6m, SSB/CW/RTTY/PSK
SOURCE: Tnx Bill, NG3K, and his DX-NEWS
*** CT3 / IM12 ***
Dear Colleagues, A groups of CT1/CT3 Operators will be QRV
as CR3D and CR3R from Chao Islet - Desertas Islands - IOTA
AF-046A (MADEIRA Arch.), HF+VHF Bands,SSB, CW and Digi modes
activity will be from 24th to 26th of July. For further info
about this Project, please visit the CR3D QRZ page:
http://www.qrz.com/db/CR3D 73´s and we look forward to meet
you on the air. Jorge CT1BOL
SOURCE: Jorge CT1BOL via Bill, NG3K, and his DX-NEWS
*** SU / KM51 ***
UPDATE from Said, SU1SK via Reflector, dated 2009-07-14:
Dear Ham Friend, SU8LH Dx-Pedition is first activity from an
Egyptian Lighthouse The Dx-Pedition QTH is Ras El-Bar Island
( Not IOTA ) 250 KM from north Cairo. The event period from
1 to 9 August 2009. also SU8LH* *will participate in The ILLW
http://illw.net/2009_list.htm the operators team got the
approval OK .( Thanks for the NTRA Egypt) the team members
are SU1GS, SU1AO, SU1SK, they plans to operate SSB & CW
Magic band & HF bands. running 100 watts. wires antennas.
Brief introduction about the event and location ok on
http://www.qsl.net/su1sk/Links.html - QSL info. via SU1SK
Said. I hope to meet you all on the air.! 73 de Said SU1SK
www.qsl.net/su1sk Please share this message with other Hams
in your area and members of your local amateur radio club.
SOURCE: Said, SU1SK via Reflector
*** CO / FL10 ***
CO8LY in FL10 on 50 MHz (50102 CW - 50110 or 50115 SSB)
Now I am in my house to see to my family, but on Thursday
I am again in FL10 during 3 or 4 days to try of to work
stations of Europe. QSL via EA7ADH (only direct) 73
SOURCE: Eduardo, CO8LY via Reflector
The VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF - Newsletter Credits & Info
Our Newsletter is compiled from the input of the USER of the VHF-DX-Portal
MMMonVHF as well by a lot of free usable HF-V-U-SHF-Info-Sources and chats
like ON4KST-, N0UK-, RU-VHF-DX-Net, EA-V-U-SHF-Chat and others...
*** Many thanks to all USER who send us info and news ***
Wherever we found the info we always indicate the source of the info.
If you get knowledge of an expedition, which is NOT listed at our
VHF-DX-Portal MMMonVHF or if you have additional info for an expedition,
PLEASE be so kind and send us this info at
http://www.mmmonvhf.de/newsuser.php or http://www.mmmonvhf.de/kontact.php
The MMMonVHF-Team is always trying to spread any expedition info as much
up-to-date and reliable as possible and as long as the info does not
violate with our MMMonVHF-Policy.
Have a lot of fun and enjoy MMMonVHF!
73 de Guido "Guy" DL8EBW
on behalf of the MMMonVHF-Team
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